Using the Curriculum


Curriculum Sessions & Materials

Visit our Curriculum Sessions & Materials page to get more information on the topics that interest you: whether it’s setting an advocacy goal, identifying the right target audiences, using data to strengthen your argument, writing effective messages, or preparing a funding request.

Curriculum Sessions & Materials

Bringing Advocacy Back to the Library

Once participants have completed the advocacy training, they’ll want to engage others at their library to help finalize and implement an advocacy plan. This post-training guide helps participants bring the lessons of advocacy training back to their library by providing immediate next steps that will help them move forward with their Advocacy Action Plans. It also includes practical tips on topics like collecting stories about the impact of libraries on people’s lives and conducting interviews with library users. Make sure all participants leave the training program with a post-training guide in hand!


Using Impact Data in Advocacy

One of the most important tools in advocacy is information about the positive impact public libraries have on the lives of people in their community. This page offers resources that help new advocates measure their impact and use it effectively.

Impact Resources