ALA User Guidelines

This site is for the public and for members of ALA and its divisions, offices, and round tables. Information about library-related topics and news of the association, including opportunities for engagement via awards and scholarship applications and committee volunteer forms are shared on the site. The site’s user guidelines were developed to encourage lively commentary, opinion, and reactions to posts. However, responses must meet the standards outlined here.

ALA Honors Freedom of Expression

Comments must be relevant to the specific post to which they refer. ALA reserves the right to remove (or not to release for posting) comments unrelated to the mission of the site. Spam, flaming, personal attacks, and off-topic comments are not permitted.

ALA Complies with Copyright Law

Posters are liable for their content. ALA staff or member editors and site visitors commenting or contributing content must have copyright rights to contributed content. Aside from attributed quotations or other brief content snippets, which comply with fair use, permission must be obtained before posting any material for which ALA or you do not already own the rights. Posting copyrighted content without the owner’s permission is grounds for having content removed and your access revoked.

ALA Enforces Appropriate Dialogue

When posting, keep your comments relevant to the original article or post.

  • Our site is used by many school children completing assignments—don’t leave comments that could be construed as obscenities or hate speech.
  • Be very clear when using irony, sarcasm or humor. Without nonverbal cues and tone of voice, your comment may be misconstrued.
  • Use bold or italics for emphasis; don’t type in all caps.
  • Don’t post advertisements or attempt to sell products or services.
  • Don’t post political endorsements.

Political Speech Restriction Applies to ALA & All Non-Profit Organizations

Political speech that endorses or otherwise promotes one local, state or federal candidate over another is not allowed on due to IRS restrictions for tax-exempt organizations. Any such posting jeopardizes ALA’s non-profit status and will be removed.


Violations of the user guidelines above are grounds for having access to posting on the site revoked.

How to Report Inappropriate Content

Report problems by using the feedback form. Please include the URL of the page and a description of the problem. We will usually take action within one business day.